Our Story
In 2016, Tyce Christian '18 approached her high school counselor and proposed that GDS implement a track addressing sexual assault and consent for the GDS Policy and Advocacy Institute. One student's vision became a group of eight. Over the course of four weeks that summer, those eight students and their counselor learned about the many complexities and nuances of sexual assault policy and culture in our country that enables and promotes it while silencing survivors. They met with lawyers, politicians, advocates, educators, counselors, survivors, and activists. Together, they came up with the idea for this summit as a way to address these issues not only within GDS, but throughout the greater DC area.
Today, the Summit is a collaboration of dozens of students, staff, and project partners continuing to raise awareness and promote change on a national level. With schools joining us from all over the country, we are excited to be a part of a movement to help eradicate sexual assault and promote a culture of consent based interaction.
Our hope is that you bring what you learn from our Summit on Sexual Assault and Consent back to your own school, along with your passion and commitment, to enact change in your own communities.
Let's make a difference together.